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недеља, 13. новембар 2016.

Jane Doe nova delatnost! Šivenje, Prepravke, ReDizajn, Krojačke Usluge.. :)

Svima nam se sigurno već desilo. Krenete u šoping sa idejom u glavi šta tačno želite i vratite se kući praznih ruku jer niste mogli da nađete to što ste tražili. Suknje su preuske ili preduge, porub previše visoko ili jednostavno vam ne stoji dobro a sviđa vam se. I onda pomislite kad bih samo mogla da promenim neke detalje po svom dizajnu! Ali sada možete.

Dosta ljudi meša pojmove krojač i modni dizajner. Tu postoji velika razlika jer krojač samo uzme mere i sašije odeću na osnovu dzajna koji mu je klijent dao. Modni dizajner stvara novi dizajn. Dizajner nalazi inspiraciju u raznim stvarima za različite teme i crta svoje ideje. Mnogi modni dizajneri nazivaju sebe sofisticiranim krojačima.

U Jane Doe Vintage Shopu od ponedeljka 14og novembra počinjemo sa novom uslugom – REDIZAJNIRNJE, POPRAVKA I PRERPRAVKA I ŠIVENJE garderobe koje će raditi modni dizajner.

Od sada ako vam se nešto baš sviđa a niste zadovoljni kako vam stoji mi ćemo učiniti da vam stoji dobro i da budete zadovoljni.
Promenićemo sve što vam se ne sviđa u dogovoru sa vama i uz savete modnog dizajnera koji će redizajnirati, prepraviti ili sašiti garderobu za vas.

It happens to all of us: You go shopping with the exact idea of what you want in your head only to return home empty-handed because you couldn't find what you were looking for. Skirts were too long or too tight, hems too high, or it just doesn’t fit but you liked it. You think to yourself: If only I could do some changes by my own design! But now you can. Most of the people confuse a fashion designer with a tailor.

There is huge difference in how they work. The tailors directly take measurement of the client and stitch the clothes according to the design given by the client. The fashion designer is the creator of a new design. The designer takes inspiration from different themes and draws new ideas. Many fashion designers call them self sophisticated tailors.

In Jane Doe Vintage shop from Monday 14th of November we are starting with new service – REDESIGNING, REPAIRING and SEWING of clothes by Fashion Designer.

So now, if it doesn’t fit, we will make it fit. We will make all changes for you, with you, fashion designer will give you an advice and redesign clothes to make you satisfy.

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