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четвртак, 22. децембар 2016.

Nova godina sa Jane Doe Vintage Shop - om

Jane Doe Vintage Shop se i ove Nove godine pobrinula da
 zajedno sa svojim vernim kupcima doživi neke lepe trenutke koji se pamte.

Jane Doe Vintage Shop is prepared to share some nice moments with our loving customers.

Pripremili smo Vam poklone tako da svako ko nešto kupi bira poklon iz korpe :)
Gifts are ready for buyers to choose one from the basket :)

Tu smo da Vam pomognemo da se doterate za najluđu noć, da budete elegantni, drugačiji, jedinstveni, da zablistate i budete srećni:)
We are pleased to help you to prepare yourselves for New Year's Eve, to be elegant, different, unique, to shine and be happy :)


Tu smo da sa Vama odaberemo poklone za Vaše najdraže, i da Vam pomognemo da im pokažete koliko Vam znače :)
We will also be free to choose presents with you, for your loving ones and to help you to show them how much you care :)

Jane Doe Vintage Shop Vam želi srećnu i uspešnu 2017. godinu .
Jane Doe Vintage Shop wishes you a very happy New 2017.

четвртак, 1. децембар 2016.

Outfit Post! :)

Here are some of our favorite pieces in the store!
First let us present to you a unique designer silver vest with amazing ruffled detail.
With this silver black vest the perfect match would be a black blouse with leather pants!
Then you may spice up your look with vintage embroidered handbag. And we saved the best for the end.. Paloma Picasso vintage sunglasses!
So, hope you got some inspiration from our outfit tip ;)
See you in the shop for more fun and unique things!

Jane Doe Shop
Kapetan Mišina 17
Belgrade, Dorćol
12-8 pm, Sat 12-5 pm